Whole Foods Was Out of Arugula
- Where I stay, we have two Whole Foods. A main Whole Foods and a small emergency backup Whole Foods. Because it’s that kind of town.
And on a recent week, both locations were out of arugula. Because often, for some unknown reason, they are out of food at Whole Foods.
So why is this important? And WTF does it have to do with running your business?
Well, see, I had a plan. I was going to grill a hanger steak for dinner and then I was going to chop up some arugula and toss in some scallions and garlic and lemon juice and then serve it with the beef on top along with some crunchy, salty potato chips on the side. Yum, right? (HT to NYT Cooking). It was a good plan.
But on this occasion, I had the groceries delivered and did not realize there was no arugula until after I had the meat seasoned and ready to go in the pan.
So, I had to change my plan.
Plans are awesome. They give us the confidence to take risks like making dinner for teenagers and starting businesses. But they are rarely perfect, and they almost never go exactly how you thought they would.
So go ahead and make your plan. Make it as clear and detailed as you like. And then take an action. And if the outcome doesn’t go the way you thought it would, don’t throw the whole thing out – just change the plan.
(I hunted around in the refrigerator and found some leftover mashed potatoes instead.)
It turns out that confidence comes with having a plan, but clarity comes from action. So, it’s great to have a recipe for your business, but you’re probably going to have to make a few ingredient substitutions along the way.
If you’d like some help with creating a recipe for your business with the ingredients you have on hand, and then prioritizing your next clear action, you can book a no strings strategy call with me.
Things we can talk about:
- How to launch a program so you can stop trading time for money
- How to raise your prices
- How to free up time to build the business your heart wants while still earning a living
- How to change your messaging so you can stop selling and get hired
- What to cook when one of your children is vegan and the other eats nothing but meat (true story)
No matter what, you’ll walk away with a list of a few things you can start working on right away!