HELPING coaches + consultants + course creators

Get more clarity so you can get more clients.

If you’re pouring a ton of time and effort into marketing and not seeing results, maybe it’s time to try something different. Because maybe, marketing isn’t the problem.

let's do this

build the right product and the rest will follow...


Too often, small business owners start marketing too early – before they have proof that what they’re selling has the potential to be a long-term, money-making business. My roadmap starts by teaching you how to crack the code on what your ideal customer wants to buy and what they really value. This is how you create the foundation for a smart business that survives the odds. 


I’m Laura

And I can teach you how to build a consistent revenue system for your business. Not by marketing more or working harder, but by getting laser focused on how you help your clients solve problems. 

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned in 25 years as a founder, entrepreneurship professor and business consultant and created a roadmap to get your business to a place where you’re crystal clear about who you want to work with, what services you provide, and how you’re going to get to your revenue goals.

Laura Zavelson business strategy for coaches and consultants

hi there!

do any of these problems feel familiar to you?

1. You're doing all the marketing things and all you're getting back is crickets

2. You wish you had some clarity around what is the next best move for your business

3. It takes you awhile to explain exactly what it is you do and you're still not sure people "get it"

If you work with me, here’s how we’re going to fix it.

We quash the marketing crickets by developing an program people want to buy.

We design your business with intention so you have a clear, well-lit path to revenue and flexibility.

We capitalize on your expertise so people understand the problems you solve and why they should work with you.

"This makes SUPER sense! You say it in such plain English. I get it. It seems so simple and it is really - if I just do the work. Thank you for your support, your brain and your direction!
Thank you, thank you Laura
Small Business Owner
"My AHA moment: You helped me flesh out different scenarios - looking at how my clients I can serve the way I WANT to serve them, and what I need to charge to do that to meet my revenue goals.
Professional Organizer
"Thanks a million, Laura. You've done the heavy lifting for us by building the spreadsheet. Your video is a great guide and easy to follow. I know know exactly what products and services I need to offer to generate the revenue I want. Thank you for your valuable insights.
Educator + Course Creator
"Laura - I can't thank you enough for what you did to help me with my website. You went way beyond... Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Career Transformation Coach
"Laura - Your talk definitely got my gears turning! Thank you!
HR Consultant

pssst - it's free!

ultimate offer creation guide on iphone


You could have your first (or next) offer up and running in 30 days. Inside you’ll find 6 rinse and repeat steps to create ANY kind of offer. In ANY niche. I’ll help you make every decision you need — from where this offer fits in your business to how to deliver it — so you can get your offer out of your head and out there helping people.

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