2 Things You Can Do to Reduce Your Business Stress

Make These 2 Changes To Your Coaching or Consulting Business To Reduce Your Stress

How’s your stress level with your business?

If you’re like most of us, you’d like it to be lower. So here are two things you can change in your business to invite in more calm.

The first one is how much you charge.

The other one is how you deliver your programs or services.

Because what are the two of the biggest stressors in business (and in life for that matter)? Money and time.

The good news, is that for most coaches, consultants and experts, it is entirely possible to design a business that brings you enough of both.

So I invite you to look into the near future – maybe 18-24 months – and think about what you might like to be different about your business. 

  • Do you have more flexibility?
  • Is there more revenue?
  • Is there less stress because you don’t have client “emergencies” anymore?

Great. Keep that picture in your head and then spend some time on the following two projects:

Project 1: Close the revenue gap by looking at how much you charge and how many clients you can realistically support. See what it’s going to take in terms of number of clients and price to get you to your enough number (the number where you can cover your business expenses and give yourself the financial support you need).

Project 2: Redesign the way you deliver your services to your clients so you can make more money with fewer sales. And while your at it, build in the design elements that are important to you. Like how much you work, how much flexibility you have, and how you create impact.

Then, step by step and decision by decision, start making changes in your business so you intentionally create that future for yourself.

If you want more detail, I wear a cool time travel hat and show you how to start making some of these changes in this video.

The upshot is that if you want to lower your stress, I recommend that you focus on a relatively short term goal that is realistic, achievable, and gets you what you need.

Now, I’m not saying you shouldn’t keep dreaming about everything you want. I’m on the vision-board bus. And I fully believe you are capable of being the next BFD in your chosen area.

But setting a lower – and nearer term bar – will give you instant clarity. It will make every single decision you make about your business so. much. easier.

It’s like deciding to float around the pool in the backyard vs. embarking on an ocean voyage.

For the pool float the decisions are easy. You can see the whole pool, you can dip your toe in, you know what it’s going to feel like when you’re in there, and you know what will happen when you get to the other side. 

For the ocean voyage there are a lot of unknowns. You’ll need to decide what kind of boat. And you’ll need to time the tides. And prepare for all kinds of weather. And you need to be ready for engine problems. And you probably can’t drive that thing yourself so you’ll need a captain etc.

So if you’re like me, a nice pool float sounds pretty good right about now. (Especially if I can talk someone into bringing me a margarita!)

So my current goal is to build a lightweight, no-emergencies business that gets me to my Enough Number.

What about you?

What do want your business to look like 18-24 months from now? 

Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you grow your coaching or consulting business:

1. Take the Quiz! Unlock Your Custom Strategy to Get New Clients Fast (get a personalized action plan in less than 5 min)

2. Sign up for my free weekly newsletter for practical, actionable revenue growth and business management strategies. 

3. Book a no-strings, no pressure brainstorming call and walk away with a quick-start plan to grow your revenue.




I love to write and creating these articles and making videos for you is one of my favorite parts of my job. Here you’ll find my take on building offers people want to buy, getting clarity around business design and aligning your messaging so you can focus less on marketing and more on flexibility, freedom, and impact.

This is where I put together everything I’ve learned in  25 years of being a serial founder, teaching entrepreneurship and mentoring hundreds of entrepreneurs like you. 

Happy reading & watching!

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