Ultimate Offer Creation Guide

6 Rinse and Repeat Steps to Building ANY Offer

Workshops | Group Coaching Packages| Online Courses | VIP Days | Memberships | Digital Downloads | Retreats


I created the Ultimate Offer Creation Guide to walk you through the exact process I’ve used with hundreds of clients to create offers that generate revenue for their businesses. We start by looking at where this offer fits in your business – low ticket? high ticket? VIP? and we end with pricing it based on value so you’re sure it can get you to your revenue goals.

What’s included in the guide?

  • A 6 step repeatable process that works every time
  • Questions and assessments so you can fine tune each step for your individual offer
  • My exclusive framework for deciding how to deliver your offer:  online course vs. group coaching vs. VIP days vs. memberships etc.

It is not worth spending even one more day juggling all your thoughts. It's time to take action.

FINALLY get it all nailed down:

 – low ticket or high ticket
– online course /mastermind/ community/etc.
-who specifically THIS offer is for
-what is the transformation this offer delivers

With this guide and a little effort you could have your offer up and running in 30 days. Why not check it out and see for yourself